Gilbert Visits The Infinite
By David Olive

Besides being a talented fiction writer, David is an at-home-dad and a fencing coach who lives in Austin, Texas.


      Gilbert pressed his big drooling face to the viewing window and watched the stars spin by.  Deep in the darkness, something caught his attention.
      "Look at that, Harvey," whispered Gilbert to his worn, one-eyed teddy bear.  "That's the rocket!"
      A short man in a long white coat entered behind him, flanked by two plump women in tight fitting nurse uniforms. 
      "Dr. Lint," said Gilbert, turning to the short man. "I see the rocket. It's real shiny."
      "Yes, Gilbert, it is a very shiny rocket ship," said Dr. Lint, stroking his beard.  "That rocket ship has a name; it's called the Mandrill.  Are you excited?"
      "Yes, Dr. Lint, we're very excited!"  He jumped excitedly, hugging the bear.  The cords from his portable medical computer jerked behind him.
      "Gilbert!" cried Dr. Lint. "You mustn't jump around like that. You'll pull the cords out."
      "Yes, Dr. Lint." His big face drooped.
      "We've worked very hard to implant those sensors in your head, and you must take great care not to pull them out," Dr. Lint told him. "I'm sure you remember the operations?  If you don't mind the cords, you could damage them.  We would have to go back and start all over again."
      "I understand, Dr. Lint."
      "Or perhaps ... we should send you back to Milton Farms and pick someone else," he said, turning to the two nurses, a smile on his lips. 
      "No, Dr. Lint, no!" cried Gilbert, almost in tears.  "I don't want to go back there!  It's dirty there ... I'll be good.  I will remember the cords."
      Dr. Lint reached into the front pocket of his lab coat and pulled out a green lollipop.
      "Would you like this delicious candy?" he asked.
      The smile returned immediately to Gilbert's face.  "Yes, yes!" he said and snatched it from Dr. Lint. 
      His clumsy fingers fumbled at the wrapper.  The Doctor smiled.
      Frustrated, Gilbert held it out to Dr. Lint. "Could you open it for me?"


      Dr. Lint led Gilbert to the open air-lock hatch, and turning to him, raised a finger.  "It is very important that you behave yourself."
      "Okay Dr. Lint, I will." 
      "Stay right behind me, and do not wander."
      Gilbert nodded.
      Dr. Lint turned and walked through the airlock.  Gilbert followed, hunching down to make it through the cramped space.  The two nurses followed close behind, wheeling the medi-com unit through the opening.  A bald man in a yellow jumpsuit stood, waiting, on the other side.
      "It's good to see you again, Dr. Lint," said the bald man.
      "Thank you, Captain Dot.  I trust we are ready to go?" he asked, stepping into the wide chamber.
      "Yes, your people have been up for the better part of three days installing the new components," the Captain said.  "We're ready."
      "Very good," Dr. Lint said.
      Gilbert stepped out of the airlock and smiled down at the Captain.
      "Yellow is happy." 
      The Captain frowned.  "Excuse me?"
      Gilbert pressed a finger gently to the Captain's collar.
      Dr. Lint quickly pulled Gilbert's arm down.  "Behave yourself!" he said, then turned to the Captain.  "This is Gilbert, you must excuse him ... he is our test subject."
      "Oh, so this is our lollipop man?" said the Captain, smiling up at Gilbert and slapping him on the arm.  "I love these guys."
      The nurses snickered.
      "Ladies, ladies," said the Captain turning to the nurses.  "As the Captain of the Mandrel, I'm happy to be the first to welcome you aboard." 


      Captain Dot led them down a long green hallway, their footsteps ringing on the metallic floor.  Gilbert ran his hand along the wall as they walked.
      "You've done some painting since I was here last." Dr. Lint said.
      "We've color coded the entire ship," replied the Captain.  "Not my decision."
      They passed a bulkhead and continued on into a blue passage.  Gilbert marveled at the walls.  Blue was another good color.  It made him think of a place with warm, smiling faces and sunshine.  Harvey, his bear, had been with him at this place, but he couldn't remember who the other people were. 
      As they moved on, a loud hum pulsed through the area, vibrating the floor.
      "My tummy feels funny," Gilbert said, laughing.
      The hallway on the right dropped off and expanded into a tall, cavernous chamber.  As they continued, the floor changed to a grated catwalk.  Gilbert looked over the steel railing and could see two men in red jumpers working at a slanted console that ran along the far side of the room.
      "This is the Mandrill's aft engineering section," the Captain said, a pained look on his face.  "They did it in red."
      "Red like a lollipop?" Gilbert asked with wide eyes.
      "Or like a monkey's ass," the Captain said.  "Shall we continue?"  
      He ushered them past another bulkhead and through several short sloping corridors that ended in a network of crisscrossing passages, all painted eggshell white.
      "We've also performed some upgrades to the medical department since your last trip with us, Dr. Lint," explained the Captain. "I think you'll be pleased."
      He moved toward a massive set of double doors and passed his hand over a wall sensor.  The doors slid open with a hiss. 


      "But, I don't wanna sleep!" cried Gilbert.  "I like it here."
      The doctor stood at the controls of the hibernation unit, busily adjusting coolant levels.  "This is a very long trip.  It's better to sleep through it."
      "Dr. Lint, my head hurts, I don't wanna sleep," Gilbert said.  He paused, watching the doctor for a long moment, then pressed a large hand to his head.  "Oooh, it hurts."
      Dr. Lint moved around the control panel and opened the unit's glass cover.  A cool mist rose from the chamber.
      "Time for sleep."
      "I don't wanna," Gilbert whined.
      "Look," Dr. Lint pointed inside the chamber.  "I even provided a small pillow for your bear."
      Gilbert held Harvey to his ear and listened.  "Harvey doesn't like it.  He says it's an ugly pillow."
      "I'll give you a tasty lollipop."
      Gilbert folded his arms.  "No."
      Dr. Lint drew a deep breath, and looked up at Gilbert.  "I'm disappointed ... but if that's your decision ... We'll just have to send you back to Milton Farms and choose someone else," he shrugged his shoulders.  "I'll go tell the Captain to prepare a shuttle." 
      Gilbert bowed his head and stepped toward the unit.  Dr. Lint smiled and helped him into the long cylindrical enclosure.
      "That's a good Gilbert." 
      "It's cold in here," Gilbert said, clutching Harvey to his chest.
      "This will help," said Dr. Lint.  He reached into his lab coat and produced a hypo.
      Gilbert looked up at the needle and began to cry.  "Please, Dr. Lint, no!"
      "We all get this shot.  It will help you sleep."
      "Even you?" asked Gilbert.
      "Yes, even me."
      Dr. Lint carefully inserted the needle into Gilbert's neck. 
      "Oooh," cried Gilbert.
      "There, there, it's over.  That wasn't so bad, now was it?" 
      "When can I get up?" 
      The Doctor smiled.  "When we arrive at our destination ... about four years."
      Gilbert smiled back at him.  His head began to feel very good and his eyelids became heavy.  "How much ... is ... four..."


      Gilbert slept.
      And slept.
      Then slept some more.
      Finally, he dreamed.
      Alone in the snow.  Naked.  That's funny.  He walked.  His bare feet were freezing.  Hurry, he thought, I'm naked and I got to find a rock to stand on.  No rocks.  If there was wind, it would blow me to a rock.  But there's no wind.  He stopped walking and turned, scanning the horizon.
      A fire in the distance ... up on a hill.  I'm so cold.  I'll run to get there fast.
      He ran.
      Faster and faster over the snow.  Heart pounding, arms pumping, legs racing.  Snow hills passing and passing ... blurring. 
      "Gilbert," said a calm, deep voice from his left.  Still running, he turned to see his bear Harvey running beside him.  His small furry legs pumping wildly.  Gilbert laughed.
      "Harvey, you look silly running like that!" Gilbert said.  "What are you doing here?"
      "You're my person, Gilbert ... from the beginning, always and forever.  You will follow me ... to my kingdom!"
      A black chasm split open before them.
      So they fell.
      And fell.
      Then fell some more.
      "My tummy feels funny..."
      "That's to be expected."
      Gilbert opened his eyes.  Dr. Lint looked down at him.
      Gilbert smiled.  "It's time to get up now?"
      Gilbert clapped.


      Captain Dot stood at the far end of the passage, watching as Dr. Lint approached.  Gilbert followed slowly behind as the nurses guided his medi-com unit behind him.  He looked up and recognized the Captain.
      "Hi, Captain Dot!"
      The Captain smiled. "Its good to see you again, lollipop man.  Did you sleep well?"
      "He slept well, Captain," interrupted Dr. Lint.  "We must begin."
      "Certainly, Doctor.  This way."  He turned and led them through a heavy steel door and into a wide L-shaped chamber.
      Gilbert shivered.  "It sure is cold in here." 
      Along the far wall, four bald men in white coats worked at a series of computer consoles; beyond, a short staircase led up to a large steel door.
      Dr. Lint strode across the room and took a seat with the bald men.  Captain Dot turned to the nurses and smiled.  "Margaret, Angela, I hope you will you'll be coming by when were done here?"
      The nurses looked at each other and smiled.
      Gilbert turned to Captain Dot.  "What do I do?"
      "Well, lollipop man," said the Captain, rubbing his hands together.  "We're about to put you into your own little spaceship and shoot you into a black hole."
      Gilbert clapped his hands.  "My own spaceship!"
      The Captain nodded.
      "What is a black hole?" asked Gilbert, smiling.
      The nurses began to laugh.
      "A black hole," said the Captain, attempting to control his own laughter, "...well, it's sort of like a doorway; a doorway that will lead you to a wonderful place.  A land filled with ... lollipops."


      "Oooh!  Dr. Lint, that's too tight."
      "It is very important that you are secure, Gilbert," explained Dr. Lint, as he adjusted Gilbert's body harness.  "We don't want you bouncing around in the pod.  You might damage the instruments."
      Dr. Lint turned and removed the wires from the medi-com unit and transferred them into slots behind Gilbert's head.
      Gilbert giggled.  "That tickles."
      Dr. Lint turned and spoke into a small microphone attached to his lapel.  "Are you receiving?"
      "We are receiving." came a voice over the loudspeaker.
      "Very good," replied the Doctor.  He turned to Gilbert.  "It's time to go."
      Gilbert smiled.  "Yeah!"
      Dr. Lint stepped out of the pod. 
      "Goodbye, Gilbert," said the Doctor, and sealed the door.  Inside, a little red light came on between Gilbert's feet.
      "Dr. Lint?"
      "Dr. Lint, it sure is dark in here," said Gilbert, clutching his bear.
      The pod began to vibrate and hum.  Gilbert could here a loud beeping sound from outside the pod followed by a whoosh and a rumble.
      "Dr. Lint ... Capt—"
      Gilbert was thrown back hard into his seat.
      "Ooooh!  Harvey, I think I'm gonna be sick!"


      Captain Dot and the nurses looked on as the bald technicians worked furiously at their consoles.  One turned to Dr. Lint.  "Five minutes to event horizon, Doctor. Tachyon beacon is on and functioning."
      "Very good."


      Gilbert's pod accelerated through a mass of swirling gasses and began to glow bright pink.  Inside, a mass of wires next to Gilbert's head erupted in a shower of sparks, burning his scalp.  He cried out in pain.  "I wanna go out of here."


      One of the technicians looked up from his screen.  "Pod is entering stage four tidals.  Buffers are functioning at ninety percent, but we've got a lot of interference."
      "Increase power to the beacon." urged Dr. Lint.  
      "What's happening?" asked on of the nurses.
      The Captain turned.  "This is the spot where most lollipop men get turned into noodles."


      The pod lurched violently, sending Gilbert forward against his body harness. The sudden movement pulled one of the cords from his head.  He groaned and was sent back hard against his seat.  A loud warbling shook the small craft.


      "We've lost life signs, Doctor," a technician said. "But we're still receiving the tracking signal."    
      "Excellent," Dr. Lint said, turning quickly to his monitor.  "The pod is still intact.  Mark time of death."
      "This is the longest a pod has lasted," the Captain said.  "Poor lollipop man."
      "I wonder what happened to him," whispered one of the nurses.
      Dr. Lint called out.  "Event horizon in five ... four ... three..."


      The shaking stopped.
      Gilbert blinked twice and held the teddy bear up to his face to feel the fur.  "My head feels funny, and I'm scared," Gilbert said, and he began to cry.  As his tears fell onto Harvey, the dim red light between his feet began to fade.  "It's getting dark."


      "We've lost the tracking beacon, Doctor." 
      Dr. Lint looked up and ran to the assistant's console.
      "Damn," said the Doctor, pausing to look at the monitor.  "I must increase power."  He began throwing a series of switches. 
      Captain Dot stepped closer, looking over Dr. Lint's shoulder.  He shook his head. 
      Dr. Lint stared at the console a moment, then slumped over it.  "The pod is Gone," he said.


      Inside the pod, the darkness was absolute.  Gilbert reached down and scratched Harvey's head.  "I gotta pee." 
      A moment passed.  Gilbert heard a familiar voice in his head that was not his own. 
      "What?" Gilbert asked out loud, and held the bear up to his ear.
      "Really!" Gilbert cried.  "Why didn't you tell me before?"
      Gilbert hugged the bear.  "Okay!" 
      He set Harvey in his lap and began feeling for the latch of his harness.  "There ... I found it," he said.  "Now what?"
      Gilbert tilted his head, listening, then nodded. 
      "Like this?" he said and carefully pulled the metallic buckle back, releasing the harness.
      "Oooh, that feels lots better."   
      All at once, Gilbert began to hear many voices in his head, cheering and shouting.  A moment later, there came a soft, muffled rapping on the outside hull.  He bounced in his seat and clapped.  "Hooray!"   He turned to Harvey and listened.  "Okay." 
      Gilbert rapped back and waited.  A click came from the door and it swung open.  Gilbert squinted as bright sunlight filled the pod.  Blinking, he looked out.
      Teddy bears -- thousands of them -- dancing somersaults in a field of green, as far as the eye could see. They were all smiling at him.
      Gilbert looked down at Harvey, with warm tears running down his big face, and everything was forgotten.

© 2003 David Olive

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