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Tuesday, February 17, 2004

The Real Cuba Libre

2:56 pm - Had a great lunch with Bill today. Chips, salsa, Coke with lime, chicken burrito, and writer's talk. Lots of writers talk. The trouble is, every time Bill and I do this, I don't want to go back to work ... I want to go home and write.

Afterwards I stopped by my new apartment and picked up the keys. Then I wandered around the place and checked it out. My new home. "Home?" Weird. I can say one thing about it: it's very quiet. I hope it stays that way.

From there, it took less than 5 minutes to drive back to work. Less than 3 miles. Now that's a commute I can live with.

4:37 pm - Inspired by my new favorite soft drink, I found this on

The Real Cuba Libre

1 chunk Ice, preferably crushed
1 Lime, squeezed
8 cl Rum (Havana club)
1 shot Coca-Cola

Mixing instructions:
Sit on ocean side balcony, fill glass with crushed ice, squeeze lime, hold glass up to the sky (best effect during sunset), pour rum up to horizon, add some coke to cover the sky (no overflow), stir smoothly, lean back & ENJOY! Maximum effect with bass heavy dub reggae in the background.

I especially like the part where you "pour rum up to the horizon." If you notice, though, you could only mix this on the western side of a Caribbean island, or on the Pacific Coast.

5:52 pm - Working a bit late tonight to make up for my long lunch. But, man, I am starving. Also sleepy, which is bad. I have a nail in a tire on my van, so I need to fix that, plus fix dinner, eat, and then take the first load over to the new place. Whew! I'm tired just thinking about it.

6:45 pm - I just repaired the flat tire and am now airing it up. So far, so good. There are no soap bubbles burbling out of my repair. I wish, though, that I had a more powerful air compressor. This little rattletrap takes forever. And I'm starving!

11:11 pm - We took our first load to the apartment, and now I'm exhausted. The quiet I observed during the day doesn't apply at night. There's a disadvantage to living under someone else. Clump, clump, clump. *sigh* Oh well, like I said, I'm exhaused. Must sleep now. Sleeeeep...



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