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Monday, December 20, 2004

Insidious Danger to Society

A few weeks ago, a 10 year old girl named Porsche Brown, going to 4th grade class in Philadelphia, was arrested, handcuffed, and taken to the police station because they found scissors in her backpack.

The school district admits that Porsche never threatened anyone. She posed no danger. No one even considered for a moment that she might be dangerous. But, because of "Zero Tolerance" they were "forced" to do this thing. Terrorize and probably traumatized a poor little girl, with handcuffs, the whole bit, down to the police station.

Get this, the scissors were used in school all the time. Scissors are SUPPLIED by the school. But since Porsche brought her own, they were considered a deadly weapon, and they were "forced" to take action.

My friends, excuse me but ... this is the most goddamned idiotic thing I have ever heard. It's a black day ... no, month ... no, YEAR, for the that school district. A dark cloud of shame must cloak the entire Philadelphia police department. Why? Because obviously they're employing some of the dumbest people to have ever walked the face of the planet. A dog would have more common sense. A mole. A cockroach. And, obviously it's not just one idiot, it's a whole group of them. "Idiot" is too bright a word for this travesty of justice. "Moron" seems too weak.

I mean, a single dull grey rock must be more intelligent than this crowd. Dirt, just common dirt, has more brain power. How many millions of dollars is Philadelphia spending on protecting the school district and the public at large against 10 year old girls with scissors? What's the next step? Brand them as terrorists?

Philadelphia, what is WRONG with you? Find these morons, expel them from positions of authority, purge them from your society. If you allow this to happen, then you're ALL to blame.

Remember: Zero Tolerance = Zero Common Sense. Porsche Brown is not a danger to society. Zero Tolerance is the danger. The shutting down of higher brain functioning, en masse, on command. Trained professionals turning into imbeciles at the flip of a switch.

You have brains, Philadephia. Use them! For God's sake, USE THEM!


psiler said...

The saddest thing about all of what you report is that I am not even shocked. There are so many instances of Zero Tolerance Idiocy that this just one more drop in the bucket societal stupidity. What a travesty indeed.

12:35 PM x x
Anonymous said...

I've seen a lot of this kind of thing going on all around the country. It's just stupid. I guess she is lucky they have a shoot first policy too. -Bill

2:33 PM x x
Anonymous said...

I also agree this was appalling. However, having worked in government, where 'common sense' (or mere independent thought) was not only not rewarded but was *punished*, I can't say I'm surprised (sigh).

I was also reminded of the case of the child you wrote about a year or two back, who was suspended for one Tylenol or something. Wacked.... Totally wacked.......


4:10 PM x x

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