Submission History of Elko the Potter

Date Sent Sent To Returned Result Their Comments (and mine)
5-17-91 Asimov's SF 7-22-91 Reject! Unsigned form letter.
7-29-91 Analog SF 8-22-91 Reject! Unsigned form letter.
8-27-91 SF&F 10-24-91 Reject! "Interesting story, Jerry, but I'm afraid it's not for me. Sorry. Please do send your next. Best, Kristine Kathryn Rusch."
10-25-91 Amazing Stories 1-30-92 Reject! Signed form letter.
8-17-92 Hobson's Choice 9-30-92 Reject! "Good to hear from you again; best wishes and good luck with the new little one!" (my daughter Jessica)
11-9-92 Mindscape 10-20-93 Reject! Unsigned form letter.
10-20-93 Eldritch Science 10-27-93 Reject! Unsigned form letter.
11-1-93 Figment 11-17-93 Reject! "Overstocked on works over 4K."
11-18-93 Pulsar SF&F 12-16-93 Reject! Unsigned form letter.
5-7-96 Absolute Magnitude 5-21-96 Reject! "This is well written but it didn't pull me in. Let me see more when you have it!"
5-21-96 Crank! 5-31-96 Reject! Signed form letter.
6-10-96 Aberrations 7-24-96 Reject! "This story was a near miss with us. The plot is familiar and therefor somewhat predictable because it's too much like a new movie/tv show."
3-6-98 The Leading Edge 4-4-98 Reject! Signed form letter. I gave up and retired the story from circulation.