Submission History of Justification

Date Sent Sent To Returned Result Their Comments (and mine)
5-17-91 The Leading Edge 11-12-91 Reject! Signed form letter with three student reviews, all raves. So why didn't they buy it?
11-13-91 Analog SF 12-5-91 Reject! Unsigned form letter.
8-3-92 Asimov's SF 8-28-92 Reject! Unsigned form letter.
10-29-92 Aborigial SF 1-30-93 Sold! "I like Justification and it is hereby accepted for publication in Aborigial SF. I know a whole bunch who could never make it." Yay!
2-19-98 Visionair SF 2-19-98 Sold! Accepted for publication in the Netherlands, to be translated to Dutch.