Now this is cool. You are here, now, reading the very first post on this website. Remember this day. Years from now you can say, “Yeah, I went there before there was anything even published there! And now look at it!”

You, my friend, are definitely ahead of the curve.

You’re here because you love beer. This website is here because I love beer. Beer is good. Beer is even holy (I know, because I have some in my fridge that was brewed by monks).

This is yet another website about beer. But as there is no such thing as too much beer in the world, I say, there’s room for yet another website about it.

One thing I can tell you to expect … one of these days I’m going to try an experiment I found on the Internet, where you can brew actual beer in a coffee pot. I don’t know if it really works. I don’t know if, after I drink the stuff, I’ll die or end up with brain damage. But by Gods I am going to try it!

Thanks for showing up, my friend. Please bookmark this place and check back from time to time.

Sincerely yours,

Jerry J. Davis
Fellow Beer Lover

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